The Tamil Future

Davos was a small ski resort town in the Alps mountain until 1971 when Swiss German Economist Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum - WEF. Today Davos symbolises the idea and power to change the state of the world by bringing together every year the largest number of global decision makers from business, governments, civil society, media and academia. WEF in Davos today is like a deep forest of insights from the best and powerful minds of the world sparking fruitful discussions that ultimately drive impact, functioning as a platform with a power to make change.

During June 7 - 9 of 2024 - The Rise and Tamil Women International jointly bring together 300 Top Circle Tamils from business, industry, governments, banking, finance, academia and civil society to Davos the very same hall where World Economic Forum meets every year. To deliberate on 21st century outcomes for Tamils as a transnational cultural community, to facilitate collaboration between top guns, as well as between those top guns and aspirational startups; to devise resilient institutional mechanisms to guide and hand hold Tamils to become a successful and respectable people in the 21st century. To this yourself. end we have named the Davos Summit as: "The Tamil Future". The Summit will also have a strong thrust to build stronger networks and leadership of women, youth and professionals to pivot the Tamil community towards equitable economic advancement, environmental stewardship and building peace.

The Davos Summit is a curated event with very high level participation from the Government of Switzerland, from the Swiss Business and Industry. Those who wish to participate in this power packed historic conclave please write to us with a brief note about yourself.

Standard Registration

Rs.60000   30% Discount


Visa invitation letter to Switzerland.
Entry to Davos Summit.
Invitation to Pre–event Road shows cum Business networking events in various parts of the world.
Directory of all the Delegates.
Three lunches, two dinners, and a free flow of coffee and snacks during the summit.
Online introductions, matchmaking, and online networking prior to the summit.
Conference Kit with materials and select merchandise.
A one-minute promo video of your business will be posted on all our The Rise social media handles
Top circle Registration

Rs.120,000   30% Discount


Visa invitation letter to Switzerland.
Entry to all the events and programs of the summit.
Invitation to all the global Roadshows and promo B2B events.
Vantage seating during the summit.
Special dinner with mainstream entrepreneurs and business personalities of Switzerland.
Facility and privilege to use special board rooms and suites for business discussions and one-to-one meetings during the summit.
Promo of your business /enterprise on the official The Rise Website from the 10 the day of your registration.
Facilitation of networking tailored to your needs and expectations.
Special networking dinner exclusively for Top Circle delegates.
Directory of all the Delegates.
Three lunches, two dinners, and a free flow of coffee and snacks during the summit.
Summit T-Shirts.
Online introductions, matchmaking, and online networking prior to the summit.
Conference Kit with materials and select merchandise.
A one-minute promo video of your business will be posted on all our The Rise social media handles.